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Mouse Cursor Hover Types

CSS Cursor Types

default - Mouse Pointer will show like Default sign.
wait - Mouse Pointer will show like circle or hourglass.
crosshair - Mouse Pointer will show like gun-style cross.
text - Mouse Pointer will show like an "I" shaped icon.
pointer - Mouse Pointer will show like hand icon.
help - Mouse Pointer will show like an arrow with a question mark.

Example: 1(default)
<style type="text/css">
.cursor-type{cursor: default; }
<p class="cursor-type">Default(Mouse Pointer will show like Default sign)</p>

Default(Mouse Pointer will show like Default sign)

Example: 2(wait)
<style type="text/css">
.cursor-type{ cursor: wait; }
<p id="circle">Circle(Mouse Pointer will show like Circle sign)</p>

Circle(Mouse Pointer will show like Circle sign)

Example: 3(crosshair)
<style type="text/css">
.cursor-type{cursor: crosshair; }
<p class="cursor-type"> crosshair (Mouse Pointer will show like gun-style cross.)</p>

crosshair (Mouse Pointer will show like gun-style cross.)

Example: 4(text)
<style type="text/css">
.cursor-type{cursor: text;}
<p class="cursor-type">text (Mouse Pointer will show like Text sign.)</p>

text (Mouse Pointer will show like an "I" shaped icon.)

Example: 5(pointer)
<style type="text/css">
.cursor-type{ cursor: pointer;}
<p class="cursor-type"> pointer(Mouse Pointer will show like hand icon.)</p>

pointer(Mouse Pointer will show like hand icon.)

Example: 6(help)
<style type="text/css">
.cursor-type{ cursor: help;}
<p class="cursor-type"> help(Mouse Pointer will show like an arrow with a question mark.)</p>

help(Mouse Pointer will show like an arrow with a question mark.)

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