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Position Absolute Relative Difference

Position(Absolute and Relative)

CSS Position Absolute Relative
Position Absolute Relative
There are two point of origin in CSS positioning:
Absolute and Relative.

Absolute position is determined from very top left of the browser.

Example: 1
              h2 {
                   position: absolute;
                   top: 20px;//20 pixels down from the top
                   left: 50px;//50 pixels right from the left
               p {
                  position: absolute;
                  top: 50px;//50 pixels down from the top
                  left: 100px;//100 pixels right from the left
         <h2>This is absolute, different position </h2>
         <p>This is absolute, different position </p>

This is absolute, same co-ordinate

This is absolute, same co-ordinate

If we place two elements in the same location, i.e. same co-ordinate, elements will be overlapped.  Lets see following example:

Example: 2
              h2 {
                   position: absolute;
                   top: 20px;//20 pixels down from the top
                   left: 50px;//50 pixels right from the left
               p {
                  position: absolute;
                  top: 20px;//20 pixels down from the top
                  left: 50px;//50 pixels right from the left
         <h2>This is absolute, same co-ordinate </h2>
         <p>This is absolute, same co-ordinate </p>

This is absolute, same co-ordinate

This is absolute, same co-ordinate

Absolute positioning says "I am going to give you complete control over where place your element, I don't care if any other elements is in my place, I don't care any other text in my way. If is it, I overlap, I only care myself.

In this case, we have to apply “relative” attribute.
Relative position is determined from elements current position of the browser.

Example: 3
              h2 {
                   position: absolute;
                   top: 20px;//20 pixels down from the top
                   left: 50px;//50 pixels right from the left
               p {
                  position: relative;
                  top: 20px;//20 pixels down from the top
                  left: 50px;//50 pixels right from the left
         <h2>This is absolute, same co-ordinate </h2>
         <p>This is relative, same co-ordinate </p>

This is absolute, same co-ordinate

This is absolute, same co-ordinate

Now the text move away where I want.

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